Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, September 14, 2007

Hooray It's Friday!!

TGIF!!! I can't believe it is Friday already. This week has gone by fast! Hope everyone had an awesome week! I have been having fun with my little girlie and of course, scrappin, what else. Since I really want to be giving freebies away I wanted to come up with a certain day I should do that so I will be doing the FREEBIE FRIDAY!! So don't forget to come back every Friday to see what is up for the grabbin'.

I had a pretty manageable week this week, Thank GOD!! And my little girlie is starting to get used to daycare again, which has been painful to watch. She has been dealing with a huge case of separation anxiety and it has been taking a toll on her and me. But I think she is coming around.

I also wanted to share a couple of my favorite scrappin' shirts with ya

You can grab them at my shop, eclectic scrap style

Here is a LO I did this week of non other than, the little girly

Credits: Festa Kit by Jessica Sprague; Fonts: Berylium, Blackadder ITC and Century Gothic

Ok, now what you have been waiting for, THE FREEBIE!
I really liked the way these papers turned out. I can't wait to use them on a LO. Hope you guys like them.

Download link no longer active

If you download, please leave a comment, I would love to hear from you all.

Have a Great Friday!!!